eBook: A guide for facing the HR challenges in the Retail Sector

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Download our guide to the HR challenges in the Retail Sector


High rates of absenteeism and turnover, the adoption of online shopping and new distribution channels and the difficulty of ensuring the emotional well-being of employees are just some of the challenges faced by HR departments in the retail sector today. In this guide, we seek to provide effective solutions for Human Resource departments with the help and advice for HR Experts. In our guide, you will find the following:

  • Key HR data for the Retail sector

  • Retail HR challenges in 2022/2023 including emotional well-being of the employee, absenteeism or talent retention among others.

  • A Case Study by Media Markt Iberia


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In this guide, in addition to analysing the different ways of responding to the most pressing HR challenges of the Retail industry, we also focus on aspects such as the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, the recruitment and selection of new profiles as well as the management of teams across multiple locations and with different schedules. If you want to learn more about this topic, we invite you to consult the following resources:


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the COVID-19 pandemic triggered a 25% increase in prevalence of anxiety and depression worldwide. With the help of our own study - "Mental Wellbeing In the German Workplace 2021"  - we observed that 61% of employees experienced higher levels of stress, largely due to income insecurity, difficulty in managing family life and a worsening work environment.



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In Spain, 60% of employees experienced higher levels of stress, due to similar reasons as in Germany following our study "Mental Wellbeing in the Spanish Workplace 2022".






If you want to know how Kenjo can help you improve and digitalise the management of your HR department, do not hesitate to book a demo with one of our experts who will be more than happy to guide you through our platform and answer any questions that you might have.


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