Streamlined and Efficient Recruiting Software

kenjo recruiting software presentation preview

Find out how important the right Recruiting Software is for your recruiting needs.

  • Data from a study by PWC and LinkedIn on the main challenges in recruiting.
  • Solutions to main issues in the recruitment and selection process.
  • Tips on how to maximise your job posting success

  • "Scorecards" for candidate evaluations

  • Candidate management via  Kanba board

  • How to build and use a Talent Pool
Download our Recruiting Software Presentation now!





recruiting software presentation kenjo


KENJO created this presentation to give you an insight into the problems most SMEs face when selecting and recruiting new employees, and the solutions that can save you up to 40% of your recruiting time. 


How can Kenjo's recruiting software help you?


  • Get an overview of your applicants.

  • Add candidate profiles with candidate ratings and other information.

  • Give feedback to all persons involved in the selection process.

  • Create and maintain a database of former applicants ("talent pool").

  • Maximise your opportunities to find new talent.




Do you want to try out Kenjo for Free?




Kenjo Recruiting Software